Does Indian Education system really make sense?

Indian education. A system where students are burdened to achieve excellence in academics which will supposedly mean that they will succeed in life.

Many parents have that preconceived notion, right?

Well, I’m just 15 years old and they might have all the experience about life, but I’m pretty sure this logic doesn’t hold true in every case.

The world today is getting more competitive and as they say the fittest will survive. Are you making your child fit enough to compete with ten fast paced world?

By forcing him to pursue a career in a particular subject that he doesn’t wish to study, just because it generally yields larger income will neither make him ready to face the future nor will it make him happy.

In my opinion, doing what you love will ensure you succeed in life.

If you are good at something and enjoy doing it, you will never limit yourself for anything. The possibilities are infinite and you will try and better your personal record each day. But this will happen only if you have that spark inside for that particular subject. There should be some motivation for doing it, right?

But what we see today in India is parents forcing children into engineering and medicine without even considering what he wishes to do in life.

But the discussion here isn’t about that. It is about the consequences the student faces later because of the monster education system we have in this country.

After grade 10, I opted for a science stream. So here I’ll be talking about science as it won’t be fair if I comment on subjects like arts and commerce simply because I haven’t actually experienced and observed it closely.

The prestigious IIT JEE examination is top ranked in the list of most toughest tests in the world. It is an entrance examination for getting into various Indian Institute of Technology or IITs across the country.

Every year, 15 lakh students register and appear for the JEE Mains. It is the stage 1 of the JEE.
JEE Mains scores can be used to join National Institute Of Technology (NIT) If the students get the minimum cut off, they can give the JEE advanced and stand a chance to get into IITs. Okay, so these tests include three subjects viz. Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

Students are allotted a rank on the basis of their performance in these subjects. Only top 10,000 students get into IITs every year. Here’s the shocker. Out of the 10,000 seats, 50 percent of the seats are already reserved for the backward caste students.

Those students have a different cut off score to achieve and generally get into IITs with minimum efforts.

A question arises. Is it fair enough for the other general category students?

In my honest opinion, the system isn’t fair.  I accept that those students are less privileged but this isn’t acceptable. You can provide them with all the facilities but this reservation system will not do justice to other students who work hard each day and hope to crack the JEE. This is just the start. Another question. How can you judge a student and his abilities to get into a particular subject like computer science engineering?

Simply because he’s good at Physics, Chemistry and Maths doesn’t mean he will make a good programmer. Being a JEE aspirant myself, I have seen some students who don’t even know the basics of computing. And they wish to pursue computer science engineering.

India produces about 15 lakh engineers a year. But are they really ‘engineers’ in true sense of the word? I don’t think so. And I have a justification for it. Reports say, 80 percent of Indian engineers aren’t employable and 90 percent of them can’t communicate in basic English.

How can you expect a person to work in a company who has been given just bookish matter to learn and memorise. Most of the Indian engineers don’t have any practical knowledge. They simply aren’t prepared to face this world. Only some, from premier institutes, find their way and have access to some exposure.

In this matter, I really support the U.S. Education system.

Though the primary education system in India may be good, further studies are better in US when compared to India.

No IIT makes it to Top 200 universities for engineering. Shocked? IITs don’t actually provide informal learning. Something that is required the most when you step into the actual world and interact with people in your concerned industry.

There are two types of learning. Formal and Informal.

Now informal learning with basic formal learning helps an individual survive in the real world where he/she has to actually work at a company. Formal learning consists of the conceptual learning.

I come back to my point, does Indian Education system really make sense?

Knock, knock! Time to think.

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